Explore the Colourful World

Social Excellence

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. — Helen Keller, U.S. author, educator, and disability rights advocate

YWT activities

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Career awareness program for students and parents.

In the last ten years, approximately ten thousand children have participated in the career awareness program.

Personalized Learning for students

Based on the career test, we plot your interest, skill and personality and suggest required learning interventions based on your current class and learning levels

Our core working objectives

1.To Promote and assist educational activities to help deserving students

2.To Promote, conduct and sustain in setting up vocational training courses

3.To institute prizes, awards or scholorships for meritorious students and to provide financial help to deserving candidates

4.To promote literary and cultural activities by organizing seminar, lectures, functions

5.To Provide medical relief/assistance for deserving persons especially for children and women

6.To provide assistance towards empowerment of women through vocational training